The Lost Souls Prototype Release

Hey everyone it's been a while but I bring news!

First up, while I am still deciding what to call this version of The Lost Souls I have changed it to The Lost Souls Prototype as it didn't feel right to call it an Alpha when it's more a testing/playground for things to potentially be in the main game.

New Things!
This version has had a few upgrades to it starting with the gameplay itself!
I have added some collectables with a timer! This is to create a gameplay loop rather than it be just run away all of the time. There is a total of 6 collectables to find within a time limit.
Also I have added some new hiding spots. The hiding spots are scattered around the map and the phantom can not enter them.
I've added a input icon system to pop up system.
I've brought back interactable draws and cupboards!
New audio and no longer a jolly phantom to chase you! (I might find a way to have that as a toggle)
New mouse sensitivity slider under controls so you can now set your sensitivity, the highest it can go is 10 

I have improved some of the input system and player movement which hopefully will lead to less bugs but mouse movement and player movement may be an issue.
The phantom should perform better.
I have added to the UI so there is now more audio controls including master, general and music.

Known Issues
The AI may end up getting distracted by doors and stop chasing.
The collectables may fall through the floor or objects or draws on some runs, I am not sure why but will try and make a fix soon.
The phantom may push you through a wall but in that scenario it should be game over. 
Special walls may not materialise but they are still working!

If anyone finds any other bugs or issues feel free to let me know and I will do my best to fix them for the next update!
I hope to get back to working on this more and getting more updates out! In the mean time I may host another game jam in feb or march and plan out the main game some more!

Remember that I do stream working on my projects on Wednesday's over on Twitch under JackNoble5!


The Lost Souls Prototype 1.0.0 111 MB
Dec 25, 2023

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