Prototype Update 1.1.0

Hey everyone! This update I will admit was meant to be just to be an Update however I have added a new mechanic to the game.

What's New!
First up the new thing is a key that is somewhere in the map, without it you will not be able to access the player safety areas. The mechanic is a lil idea I am testing for the main game to add a lil bit of a life base system!
Also you now have a life! It is tied into the key, if you get attacked by the phantom you will need to pick it up again. 

Some changes I have made are mostly to the phantom and how it interacts with the environment!
First up the pesky doors! The phantom was struggling a fair bit with some of the doors so I made it so that the doors detect the phantom rather than the phantom detect the doors, this should also help a lil with performance.
Another thing is that the phantom and player lights have been adjusted to be tighter and now have light cookies to hopefully make it a lil more creepy. 

Known Issues
The player will get stuck in mid air after being booted out of the hiding spot.
The hiding spots may bug out and dematerialise when the phantom is withing detection range.
The phantom still seems to have adhd but not as bad with the addition of not needing to think about the doors, however it can still loose track easily when you go around a corner.
I think I have helped solve some of the item glitching through the draws but it still happens.

I hope to get some of the issues fixed but in the mean time I am starting to form the main game, I have about 50% of the plan written and trying out some things to help the development!

I hope to bring some more news soon in the new year!!


Prototype 111 MB
Dec 31, 2023

Get The Lost Souls

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